WOD 24.08.17

3 Attempts at Max Rep Bodyweight Overhead Squat
Rest 3:00 between efforts
Scores are best set AND total reps across 3 sets

3. Conditioning
For Time:
300 Double Unders
200 Air Squats
100 Push Ups
50 Burpees

WOD 22.08.17

EMOM until failure
6 Bar Facing Burpees
1 Squat Clean and Jerk 80/60
Add 5/2,5 each minute

AMRAP 15 Minutes
20 Dumbbell Front Rack Lunge 22,5/15
20 Push ups
20 kB Swing 24/16

WOD 21.08.17

Find a 1RM Back Squat

“Fight Gone Bad”
3 Rounds:
1:00 Wallballs 20/14lbs
1:00 Sumo DLHP 75/55lbs
1:00 Box Jumps 20/16″
1:00 Push Press 75/55lbs
1:00 Row for Calories
1:00 Rest