WOD 31.05.16

EMOM 8 [4 Rounds]
1 Min: 5 Push Jerk, Across
1 Min: 50 Double Unders [40s Cap]

For Time:
10 Strict HSPU
10 KB Swing 24/16
8 Strict HSPU
15 KB Swing
6 Strict HSPU
20 KB Swing
4 Strict HSPU
25 KB Swing
2 Strict HSPU
30 KB Swing

WOD 30.05.16

E.M.O.M 8 [4 Rounds]
1 Min: Front Rack Reverse Lunge 6+6, Across
1 Min: 6 Strict Chin Up, Across – Reduce weight if fatigued

4 Rounds [12 min cap]
21 Wall Ball
15 Box Jump
9 C2B Pull Up

WOD 27.05.16

10 min AMRAP:
2 Squat Clean (80/60)
4 L-Sit Pull Ups
6 Strict Handstand Pushups

Choose 2 (15 min Cap)
a) 10 Rounds:
15s of Double Unders
15s of Rest

b) 5 Rounds:
30 ft Handstand Walk or Partner Freestanding HS Hold for 20 secs.

c) 10 Rope Climbs or Lying to standing Rope Pulls

WOD 25.05.16

10 EMOM:
1 PowerClean – ascending

Option 1: – Only if you have all the movements
0-6min: 1-5 Bar Muscle Ups
7-13min: 5-8 CTB Pullups
14-20min: 7-10 Pullups

Option 2: – Scale up or down as necessary
0-6mins: 3-5 Strict Banded Chest 2 Bar Pull Ups
7-13min: 20 sec Chest 2 bar Supine Pull Up Hold
14-20min: 8 Bent Over Barbell Row

WOD 24.05.16

2 RM

With an 8 min Cap
5 Rounds:
8 Thrusters (60/40)
40 Double Unders
Max Pistols in remaining time.
*Scale to 1 legged box Squats or Goblet Squats

WOD 21.05.16

Back Squat

18 min AMRAP, round for round with a partner:
3 Wall walks
6 Box jump overs
10 Hang power cleans 60/40
14 Bar facing burpees