Cycle week 10-15.02.20


Day 1

Power Endurance

For Time
Squat Snatch
10 rep @ 70%
8 rep @ 72,5%
6 rep @ 75%
4 rep @ 77,5%
2 rep @ 80%

For Time
30 Ring Muscle up


3 Set of:
20 Cal row
Max T2B
rest 3′

Work Capacity

For Time
60 Single Arm DB Push Press 22,5/15 (10 each arm)
50 Alternating DB Snatch 22,5/15
40 GHD Sit Ups
30 Cal AAB
20 C2B
10 C&J 80/60


Day 2

Submaximal Strength Endurance

For Time
Deadlift (T&G)
30 Rep @ 70%

Work Capacity

40 Cal Row
30 Wall Ball 9/6
20 Pull Ups


Day 3

Power Endurance

For Time
Push Jerk
10 rep @ 70%
8 rep @ 72,5%
6 rep @ 75%
4 rep @ 77,5%
2 rep @ 80%


3 Set of:
100 DU
Max Sanbag Clean 50/30
rest 3′

Work Capacity

For Time (8’Cap)
Lateral Burpees
C&J 60/40


Day 4

Rest Day


Day 5

Power Endurance

For Time
Power Clean
10 rep @ 70%
8 rep @ 72,5%
6 rep @ 75%
4 rep @ 77,5%
2 rep @ 80%

For Time
100 HSPU


3 Set of:
20 Burpee Box Jump Over
Max Overhead Squat 60/40
rest 3′

Work Capacity

2 T2B
2 Wall Ball 9/6
2 Push Ups

4 T2B
4 Wall Ball 9/6
4 Push Ups

6 T2B
6 Wall Ball 9/6
6 Push Ups
Continue this patter, adding 2 rep to each movement on every round.


Day 6

Submaximal Strength Endurance

For Time
Strict Press
30 Rep @ 70%

Work Capacity

With Partner

20 Alternating Rounds For Time
5 Power Snatch
20 Cal Row

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